Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, 9:22pm

The second biopsy went great. Dad is in a little bit of pain, but not enough to set him back. Not entirely sure, but should be home by Saturday! Thanks again everyone!


  1. No place like home for the holidays.....I could sing it, but Jim knows I can sing or dance!!!!
    Get well, Jimmy!!!

  2. I'm so glad that you're going home. You guys just enjoy the he** out of this weekend.
    Positive thoughts and prayers heading your way today and every day!

  3. Looking forward to seeing you guys back in the Cape! Mary Alice

  4. Good to hear the progress keeps coming. It will be good for all of you to have Jim home--especially during the holidays! Our thoughts and prayers will keep on coming! God bless you guys!
    Love from the Eichlers

  5. Keeping Jim -- and all of you -- in my thoughts and prayers. With the good thoughts and prayers of SO MANY PEOPLE! I know that things are going to be all right. Jim is one of the best guys I have ever known; he deserves to get well and get home for the Holidays!

  6. Best wishes for all things good to you and the family. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all. Please, let me know if there is anything back in the cold zone I can do for you.

    The Leidel's

  7. Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy why such a long face. Get feeling better so we can beat you at golf.
    The Conte's

  8. To all the Ruttenbergs, continue to hold you in our tjhojughts and prayers! So glad to hear that Jim will be home for the holidays, no better healing than being with family. Wish we were closer so we could provide more support, we think of you daily and pray for speedy healing and recovery.Happy Holidays- we're holding a seat at the bar for you to celebrate your recovery.

  9. hey guys just got this and it's beautiful- hope you have some time to log on and check it out-sent especially to you!

  10. Jim,
    you and your family hang in there...i vote for
    the Clinic...secretagent
