Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hi everybody. I hope your weekend is going well. Not much change here- still tubeless which has been great for comfort and mobility. Mon through Friday, I go to radiation at 8 am and out by 8:30. No side effects-I guess this is accumulative so maybe worse later. The chemo is 2 pills per day so that was easy. Then off for the weekend. Some days I feel like I have nothing and others not so good. I'm about 1/2 way through the treatment now but I'm sure to be stopped or take a break by 3/14 when Matt is getting married. That's it for now so take care all. Thanks again for all of your cards,e-mails, calls, and the prayers. Rutt


  1. Hi, Jim,

    Glad to see your progressing so well! Your great attitude and sense of humor lends itself to the healing process, and you seem to be on top of the situation. I know it it's not easy for you!

    We're in and out of Florida, but I'm keeping an eye on your progress, and thinking of you.

    The Florida weather doesn't help these days, as I understand you guys got some snow your way, or maybe north of you, not sure. Still beats the heck out of what's happening up north! Brrrrr! I keep telling people that our lousy weather is someone else's good weather!

    Again, sincere best wishes to you in getting well, and eventually the recuperation process.

    Regards to Deb and family!

    Best personal regards,

    Carl & Marie

  2. Jim: Keep up your spirits and your positive mental attitude. We'll help with our prayers. Our best to you and Debbie. God bless you.

    -- Hank & Karen Inman

  3. Glad to see you're handling things as well as possible, Mr. Ruttenberg --- but then I'm not surprised! You and Debbie are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hang in there, friend!

    Tom S

  4. Jim,
    Hang in there baby...Our e-mail is agelvin@sbc Ann and Bob

  5. Mr. Ruttenberg-

    You are truly an inspiration to your sons and everyone around you...From the moment I met Brad, all he could talk about was you, and he couldn't wait for me to meet you (and his mom of course)..Now I can see where he gets his determination, strength, and sense of adventure..and also sense of humor :)...I cannot thank you guys enough for welcoming me into your home,and I look forward to many more conversations about IV's, blood, and beligerent patients...mainly because I think all that stuff grosses everyone else out...Hope you are feeling good today, and let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do for you guys!
    -Kara Presto :)

  6. Dear Jim:

    Just found out about your situation...please check out... the one minute ASAP..

    God bless,

    Rick & Barbi Martin
