Monday, December 28, 2009

Jim Ruttenberg 12/28/2009

Hi all, I first want to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts and cards. I am amazed by your concerns and support. Thank God for you my friends and family. We drove to Tampa again today for a consult on the PET SCAN we did last week. The results showed NO cancer anywhere else in my body. This is great news and put our minds at ease for now. After talking to the Docs in Tampa, they still show a blockage in my liver from a "Klatskin Tumor" which effects the drainage of my liver through the ducts. Now, we are going back to Tampa this Thursday for another biopsy to see if we can treat and shrink the blockage.This should be an outpatient procedure starting at 8am so we hope to be on our way back to Cape Coral by noon. We have a journey ahead of us but Deb and I are strong and we are just taking it day by day...We love your posts and read them every day. They mean so much to us. Today, in the next room there was another Klatskin tumor diagonosis...maybe we will have a clinical trial right here in Florida. Please keep praying, it appears God is good and answers our prayers. Please take the time to read Psalm 91, it has been our strength and support. We hope you all had a wondeful Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year. Sincerely, Jim, Deb, Matt, and Brad


  1. Great relief to hear there's no cancer anywhere else. Klaskins only enemy to fight......praying and "visualizing" it shrinking everyday!!! Love Susan

  2. Great to hear some positive news from the Rutt camp. Keep fighting the good fight, my friend....for you, Debbie, the boys, and all of us out here that love you and continue to pray real hard for you.

  3. Jeff and I have been watching your blogg every day to see what news you bring to us.
    This is the best news yet!!!
    We will continue to pray for you and your family.
    Happy New Year!!!
    We love you all.

  4. Great to hear that things are going well. You all are still in my prayers.

    Cousin Jan

  5. Great news Jim! so nice hearing your voice yesterday...Stay positive and we are all here to help you do that...Even though you have been through alot you sounded terrific...Prayers keep coming as always..Love to Deb(girlfriend you have done great!)Matt, Brad and family to be...
    The Dodson's

  6. Rutts,
    Thrilled to hear the good news - I thought about you all day yesterday and prayed "no news was good news" when I didn't hear from you - another prayer answered. We know there's a journey ahead, but with the strength and courage you've all's going to be a long and interesting positive journey to write about. Sign me up! Talk soon, Love you all, Bonnie

  7. I am glad to hear positive news from the PET scan. At least you are fighting a localized tumor. We think of you all every day.
    Ken and Sue Weegar

  8. Debbie, Stow Fire DepartmentDecember 30, 2009

    It was great talking to you the other day, Jim. What a Happy New Year you and your family must be going to have. No cancer anywhere else in your body? PRICELESS - just like the Master Card commercial says! You and the family are in our thoughts and prayers up here in the very cold north. Look forward to hearing more good news from Casa Ruttenberg!

  9. Hi Jim, Debbie, Matt & Brad! I just heard about your ordeal. I was remembering the time, Jim, when you helped transport me to the hospital with a suspected heart attack. You were so caring and comforting. I'm happy to hear that you have some good news and that it continues with getting the blockage removed! I hope your getting the care that you always gave to everyone. Debbie, Matt & Brad - I'm sure this has been very hard on all of you but isn't it great that God put all of you in Florida so you can be together through all of this. I let Scott & Nate know and they send their thoughts and prayers also. Happy New Year and may 2010 bring only more good news!
    Take care all of you! Dolly & Gary Meers
