Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year everyone !!! Thanks again to all of my friends and family-your kind comments are so appreciated. Yesterday 12/31, we went back to Tampa for another biopsy and then back to Cape Coral the same day. We should hear the results next week then back to Tampa for the consult and discuss options. We still have a moving target here. No cancer is showing up on the tests but the docs say this "Klatskins Tumor" in my liver ducts "usually" is so that's why they keep biopsying. After this last test, we will see what option I have here in Tampa or Jax,Fl or maybe even Houston. The docs say that since this effects ALL of my liver ducts, surgery is not an option- transplant? Maybe. We'll check with Jax, Fl to discuss. So, that's it for now. Thanks again for all of your prayers, thoughts and cards. I come to tears every time I open a card or re-read the earlier ones. We love and miss all our friends up North and hope to see and visit this summer. God has been gracious and we keep praying for his healing hand. Thanks again, and have a Happy New Year. The Rutts


  1. Happy New Year to you and the whole family Jim. My thoughts and prayers have been with you since I first heard. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Hope the little cold snap your having doesn't remind you of Ohio to much. hahahaha.

    Chris Miller

  2. Dear Jim, Deb, Matt, & Brad
    So glad to hear you were home for the Holidays. It was so good hearing your voice Jim. We are so thankful to God and His answered prayer. We continue to pray daily and give God the glory for all He is doing and will continue to do. Deb you have been an amazing pillar of strength. Matt & Brad thanks for all the updates through Jon. Wish we could be with you toasting in the New Year & having some laughs. Love to all, Jim & Michelle

  3. Happy new year to all the Rutts. We are keeping you in our prayers. I usally check for your updates. Keepup the blog.

    The Murphy's

  4. Jim,Debbie, Matt & Brad,
    Hoping that you had enjoyable holidays. Hopefully soon all the pieces of this puzzle and plan of action will soon come together. Thinking of you often. Joan & Rick

  5. Happy New Year!! Jim, Deb, Matt & Brad
    So glad you could spend the holiday's at home together...I am sure it was the best one ever...Praise the Lord!!!
    We will contine to pray for God to give your family the guidance and wisdom to find the best doc's and treatments for the best and quickest results...

    Love you guys can't wait to see you again...
    The Dodson's

  6. Hey Jim and family,

    Just got back from vacation and read all of the blogs since 12/17. Grrreat news and even though you're not out of the woods yet, you have to be relieved of the "no cancer" verdict. You all have been in my prayers and since I know the big guy personally, I'm taking credit for that diagnosis. I guess the other dozens of people praying for you may have helped too. Of course, we all know who's ultimately responsible for that diagnosis and for his grace.

    Enjoy the weather and your amazing family and I hope the sun continues to shine for you on the dawn of this new year.

    Ron J

  7. Hey Ruttenbergs- so glad that you could all be home and together for the holidays- we conitinue to check your updates. Thanks for that connection. We think of you often, pray for you dialy and can't wait to see you again. We look forward to a cure in 2010!

  8. Carol MorganJanuary 06, 2010

    Jim & Debbie,
    Think of you often and hope the best for the new year. Keep the faith and I wish the best for you.
    Carol Morgan

  9. Hey Jim - I just was at Rotary this morning and heard what you have been going through. Wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Rick Archer
    Stow, Ohio

  10. Geoff BessoJanuary 06, 2010

    Jim and Debbie,
    We will lift you up in our prayers. As you know amzing things can happen with presistent prayer.

    We will pray for healing, strength, and for the doctors to have wisdom.

    'Dr. Geoff' Besso

  11. Jim and Debbie,

    My best to the both of you during this trying time. Both of you are in my daily prayers. I know God will look after the both of you and see you through this and many more years together.

    God Bless,
    Dan Jucikas

  12. Jim, Debbie, Matt & Brad,
    Thinking of you guys and all you've been through. Keep the faith and remember we're all praying for you.

    Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Rick & Sue Steiger

  13. Debbie, Stow Fire DepartmentJanuary 07, 2010

    Jim, so glad to see the update. It's got to be good news that with all the biopsies done, nothing bad has shown up.

    We hear it's cold down there? It's probably 25 here, and we might have 14" of snow before tomorrow night. YUCK! Please play a good round of golf for me!

    I think of you often and hope that all is well with everyone else!

  14. Don & Lori here Jan. 7 @ 8:20pm. Just talked to Jim and he's feelin great. Jim & Deb are headed back to Tampa General on Fri. Jan.8 for a noon update meeting to decide the next course of action. As Jim's bro, I really want to commend Ded, Brad & Matt for their solid loving family support in the face of all this adversity Jim has been confronted with. Love you all, Don & Lori

  15. Jim, Deb, Matt and Brad

    Donna and I pray for you Jim, all the time. Sunday I prayed especially hard with our entire congregation. Have faith you can beat this. You and Deb still have a dinner date with us we expect you to recover soon so we can make that happen. Lanning's sounds good to me or Fleming's, your choice. See you soon.

    Dan K
