Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hi Y'all. I first want to thank everybody for all of the support through e-mails, cards, calls and prayers, it is truly overwhelming. Well, We went to Tampa yesterday for a consult with the Docs after the 4th and hopefully ,last biopsy. As we expected, they found some cancer cells in the ducts so now we can treat with chemo/radiation to try to shrink the blocking Klatskins tumor. The docs said there is very little cancer but it is slow growing,non-invasive but relentless cancer and may someday re block the ducts which we will have to deal with at that time. So, next week we will contact the oncologist here in Cape Coral to discuss the options. Surgery is not an option because it effects all the ducts. A transplant may be an option but not likely. My docs in Tampa called the docs in Houston at M D Anderson and they said they have no protocol for my situation so they would not be an option. So chemo, here we come, (for now). Again, Thanks for all of your support, prayers, etc. Your e-mails and calls are always welcome. Jim feels good ( 9 out of 10) and continues to exercise and enjoy the family. We wish you all a wonderful 2010 with health and happiness for you and your families. Sincerely, The Rutts


  1. I'm happy to hear you're a 9 out of 10! Sure was great to talk to Deb tonight and hear your sweet, strong voice in the background! Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress. This blog is great! Enjoy your visit with John, this week and HANG IN THERE!!! Prayers and healing thoughts ascending!!! xoxoo Pam

  2. Jim, Glad I had a few minutes of your time to chat the other day when we returned to the US and heard of your situation. Will use the blog going forward, admittedly the first time using one, feel ancient!! :-(

    We'll be following along with the rest of the gang, and assure you our thoughts and prayers are with you.


    Carl & Marie

  3. Jim - I received an email this morning from Jerry Peter informing everyone of your diagnosis of cancer. I did not get an update on your blog as of Jan. 9th informing us of your medical situation. I'm so sorry to hear this and know that Dottie and I will be praying for you and Debbie during this period of time and pray that you will have a speedy recovery.


  4. Deb, so good to talk and hear your voice today...You sound good considering what you have been through...Stay positive and feel comfort in knowing the love,support, and prayers that are coming your way...God is walking beside your family, and will never leave you and your family...If there is anything we can do on our end Please! let know...Love and hugs to Jim Brad, and Matt...
    Keith and I treasure you and Jim's friendship...
    Joe Coffey talked this Sunday about relationships with others how important they are like he told the disciples..."Be there for each other because I will be gone."
    God Bless!
    Keith and Linda

  5. Hi Jim,

    Sharon let us know about your condition. You are definitely in our prayers. Hope you continue to feel well. Much love and God's blessings, Your cousin Kathy and family.

  6. Jim: You are in our prayers. Keep the faith -- you WILL beat it!!!!

    -- Hank and Karen

  7. Jim & Deb:

    Just wanted to stop and say Hi to you both. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad to hear you're feeling well.

    My heart to you both,

    Rick Myers

  8. Bill ran into your brother the other day...heard about the cancer. We pray for a miracle. They happen all the time. So we want one coming your way in 2010. Keep the faith. God is with you.
    Bill & Karen Monbeck
