Thursday, May 20, 2010

James F. Ruttenberg, age 60, passed away on May 18th, surrounded by his loving family, after his courageous battle with cancer. He will greatly be missed by his devoted wife, Debbie, of 34 years and his twin sons, Matthew (Niesha) and Bradley, as well as his older brother, Don (Lori). Jim will be remembered forever by all the lives he touched with his warm smile and positive attitude towards life. He was preceded by death by his loving parents, William and Helen Ruttenberg.

Jim grew up in Stow, Ohio and graduated from Stow High School in 1968. He furthered his education at both Tyler University and Akron University. Jim was a "career agent" and Financial Planner with Prudential Insurance Company for 36 years as well as Ruttenberg Financial Inc. in Stow, Ohio. One of the most important jobs he did was being an active firefighter and EMT with the Stow Fire Dept. for almost 40 years. This part of his life meant so much to him. He loved saving lives and keeping everyone safe.

Jim was an avid golfer, an accomplished pilot, and he loved boating. He and his wife recently moved permanently to Cape Coral, Florida to be near his sons and be able to continue his passions. Jim was a long time member of the Stow Rotary as well as the Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce. He gave back to community in many ways his entire life. He was a member of the Hudson Community Chapel in Hudson, Ohio where he served as an usher for many years.

There will be a "Celebration of his Life" and memorial service on Thursday, May 27th, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hudson Community Chapel at 750 West Streetsboro Street, Hudson, Ohio.

In lieu of flowers, the family has set up a foundation in Jim's name at Stow Monroe Falls Foundation, 44 Munroe Falls Avenue, Munroe Falls, Ohio 44262 where Jim had expressed wishes that the donations go to providing heart defibrillators for the City of Stow where they are needed. You may also donate to Hope Hospice, 2430 Diplomat Parkway East, Cape Coral, Fla 33909. Thank you in advance for all your thoughts and prayers to the family.

-to be posted in the Akron Beacon Journal and the Stow Sentry

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Memorial Service

Hello everyone, we wanted to let everyone know the plans for the memorial "celebration of life" service next week. It will be located at the Hudson Community Chapel in Hudson, Ohio next Thursday (5/27) at 10:00 am. We understand that there are alot of people from out of town that need to make arrangements... your airport options are Akron Canton Airport or Cleveland Airport. There are several hotels in the area including Sheraton Suites in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio as well as the normal hotels and motels... locations are generally located on Rt 8 and Steels Corners. We are all doing well for now, and again we want to thank you again for your prayers and support.

Deb, Matt, and Brad

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18th

Hello everyone. Dad passed away today at 10:32 AM. We were all dreading this day and this blog post, but in the end, it was something that we all were praying for. He was a strong man and fought the GREAT fight. He was in complete peace and pain free the last couple of days. We were all by his side at the end holding his hand and giving him all of our love. He is now in complete bliss with his mom and dad and yes, even Brute the old family dog. We've already started joking that he's working with Mom's dad "Homer" on that AWEFUL thing he called a golf swing. Thanks so much to all of you and your support. It's been overwhelming the love and support we have had from so many people and I'm sure it will continue now more than ever. We will keep everyone posted on the memorial service. We know that it will take place at the Hudson Chapel in Ohio some time next week.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today is Sunday and Hospice has nurses around the clock for us. They are wonderful. It has taken alot of pressure off for the moment and has given all of us a little we can just be with him and hope he can hear our voices when we talk of all our memories with him. We just want to be a family and make sure he knows we will be ok- and show him how much we love him. The nurses can take care of the rest. We feel it is getting near. We are hoping that he is at peace with all of this. He sleeps all the time and is comfortable in his own bed in his own room for now. We had hoped to get him outside on Friday for the launch but he was too weak to be out of bed. He watched it on TV and that was good enough, although we had hoped to actually go there and get up close and personal. Please pray for our strenghth and we will keep you all posted when there are any significant changes. Thank you for your prayers. The Ruttenberg family

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hi to all of you wonderful friends and relatives. I am sitting here next to Jim sleeping and reading all the touching comments that you all have written to us. It makes us feel so close to all of you. I read them and cry at the love that comes through your comments. He IS a great guy...AND it is just not fair for this to be happening. But we know as someone sent to us...he will find out when he gets to ask GOD himself what his plan was.(I made him promise to get back to me on that) We are home with hospice nurses checking in on us. He is kept as confortable and pain free as possible. He understands most things that are going on-most of the time. Jim is so tired. The disease has progressed very rapidly and his strenth is declining at the same speed. We still keep him "look'n good" all the time-as Jim continues to want to tease the nurses. We had a wonderful weekend with Don, Jim's brother who made the 20 hour trip down here to be with his bro. It was sad when he left. Unbearable to watch them say goodbye. Uncle Ray...what can I say. It was wonderful to hear from you. ps. you should be a writer..oh that's right we come from a family of writers, right? Cannot wait to get a big SHEPHERD hug from you. Dan K.-we have gotten all your messages. We always have Jim listen to them. And to all our friends from Stow, the fire dept., the police dept..thanks to Mike Murphy for orchestrating the most wonderful radio hello from the guys and gals of Stow's finest. It put a giant smile on his face. What can I say...I love you all and still need your strength and prayer. You know we always think their might be one more miracle out there...we had one with Jim being at Matt and Niesha's wedding. I feel Jim Ruttenberg deserves another one. Don't you? Well lets all ask and maybe HE will listen. My boys. I love my boys. I am so glad to be here where they can be around Jim all the time. They are so strong-just as Jim raised them to be. You would all be so proud of them. Bonnie, John and Susan...I love you all. I know this is driving you crazy not being will all be my rocks later. We are all as a family doing ok. We are strong and we help each other on days that we have no strength. There are days when your voices even on voice messages get me through to the next day. Keep them coming. Again. I love all of you. Debbie

Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, April 30th

Hey everyone, this is Brad. It's been a very shocking couple weeks. Dad is at home now, with Hope Hospice care. It seems that it is now the "11th hour". Our goal is to keep him comfortable. He has quite a bit of pain, but they've made sure that he gets enough medication to keep him as pain free as possible. He hasn't been eating much, but he is still nibbling. The financial planner in him just keeps ticking though so that takes up most of our conversations. He says hi everyone. He is very much at peace with everything and is "just tired". Please keep up the prayers and good thoughts. You can never get enough of either.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hi y'all. Been along time since I updated my blog. My last adventure was last week when we had to go up to Tampa General again. Apparently my stints had a mechanical malfunction and I became "backed up" again..very jaundice but not really due to the cancer growing. My scans came back pretty good. Doctor said the treatment at least kept it at bay. Small successes in that it may have shrunk a little and the fact that I did gain 6 pounds. The procedure they did to unplug me really has set me back. I now have an external tube and bag for another week but they will be able to internalize them in a couple of weeks hopefully when I get less jaundiced. I am very tired and in some pain. The pain meds are helping me but I am sleeping alot. When all is said and done, they are thinking of starting me on chemo through IV this day a week, 2 weeks on and one week off. Don't know for how long. But he feels that this is the "work horse" that may help. That is it for now. Thanks for the support and prayers. Until next time...Jim

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hi all, Just a quick update again. The last 2 days have not been good. Right after the cat scan, I went down hill like a rock. Allot of pain, jaundice symptoms again-just like when this all started in Dec. I was concerned so Deb and I drove to Tampa right after Easter dinner and spent the night in a hotel so we could go see the Doc asap.They feel I may be starting to block up again in my ducts so if I get numerous fevers (infections) then I need to go back and probably do the tubes again. I'm having a pet scan Wed and then meet with the oncologist the 13th. I'll let you know after that. Hi to all, congrats on your nice weather. Thanks for the support. Rutts

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hi all, Just a quick note. I had the first scan yesterday and the next on April 7th. I won't have any results till 4/13. Will keep you advised. Thanks for the prayers and support. Jim

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello everyone. Sorry for the delay for new news but there has been none. BUT, I need your help-I am having 2 scans this week to see if the radiation and chemo has helped. I need your prayers that the treatments have worked. I feel good so that is a good sign. I have gained 4 pounds and never thought that was a good thing but when you have lost 20 pounds, a gain of 4 is good. I'll post the results as soon as I get them. Thanks again for your support and pray, pray, pray. Rutt

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hi all, sorry for the delay in the updates. Things are back to normal today-the last of the company have left and were starting to get back to normal after the wedding. The wedding was great. Weather cleared out nicely, no rain, a little cool after sunset but ok. Matt and Neisha Ruttenberg (sounds wierd) are in Antigua on their honeymoon and will be back Monday.
I'm still feeling fine and just waiting to do the 2 scans on 3/31 and 4/7 then the doctors will tell me the good, bad or ugly. Last chemo and radiation was last Wed before the wedding so we are in what they call the "cool down period" then the scans.
We finally sold the house on Bradley woods in Stow and they are closing today so that will be one less worry. Thanks to ALL who helped with the moving and storage-we couldn't have done it with out you.
Thanks again for all the support with cards, e-mails, and prayers. It seems to be working. Back at ya soon, Rutts

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hi all, I hope everyone is feeling better now that we have had some better weather. Well, I just had my last radiation and chemo for now (or forever I hope. Now, we wait 3 weeks to get the cat and pet scans to see how good we did- then make new game plans. Off to Matt's wedding this weekend at Anna Maria Island but Bradenton then back to the house on Monday. That's it for now. Thanks again for all the support and prayers. I'll check back after the scans. Hi to all, Rutt

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hi everybody. Happy March. It just sounds like spring. Here is another addition to the blog. I am starting the last 8 sessions of the radiation and chemo on Monday. I will be finished 2 days before we go to Matt's wedding. After the treatments are finished, the docs said we wait 3 to 6 weeks to let everything "cool down" then we will do a pet scan and a cat scan. Doesn't anybody do a human scan or Jim scan anymore? Based on how the scans turn out, we will decide what to do next. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm still feeling great and not much pain or meds, just the chemo pills etc. Well that's it for now, short and sweet. I hope you all are doin fine-hang in there,spring is just around the corner. If you would like me to respond-leave your e-mail, Ok, Thanks again for all of your support and prayers. Regards, Rutt

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hi all, I hope this note finds you well. "Things" are going great-not much pain or pain meds, sleeping great, gaining weight- oh, that's right nothing is wrong with me. PMA (positive mental attitude, right). I'm still doing radiation Mon thru Fri and on the chemo pills twice a day. Just about 1/2 way through so should finish just before Matt's wedding 3/14/10. We are still amazed by the amount of support you have provided us. The cards, e-mails, calls, and most of all, the prayers are SO helpful. I would love to respond to you and your comments if you would provide me your e-mail address. Spring is around the corner, so hang in there everybody. We miss you all- thanks again for all the support. The Rutts

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hi everybody. I hope your weekend is going well. Not much change here- still tubeless which has been great for comfort and mobility. Mon through Friday, I go to radiation at 8 am and out by 8:30. No side effects-I guess this is accumulative so maybe worse later. The chemo is 2 pills per day so that was easy. Then off for the weekend. Some days I feel like I have nothing and others not so good. I'm about 1/2 way through the treatment now but I'm sure to be stopped or take a break by 3/14 when Matt is getting married. That's it for now so take care all. Thanks again for all of your cards,e-mails, calls, and the prayers. Rutt

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hi from Florida. Well, where do I start. I've been on pill for chemo-1 am, then 1pm- for about 2 weeks and no side effects-so far. Also, I go to radiation mon thru fri at 8 am-it takes about 8 minutes each time. I do nothing Sat and sun. On last Wed we went to Tampa General to have the tubes internalized. The doc said he was able to get 2 8mm stints in the ducts but it took some work. He asked me if I remember "coming of the table and almost hitting him". I told him NO, I'm sorry. He said he might have hit a nerve while I was out. He said he beat me up inside pretty good but better for the long run. So, all the bandages are off and I have 2 bullet holes in my belly (what's left of it) to show for it. Feeling better every day-hoping for a great summer. Thanks again for all of your cards, e-mails, calls and mostly your prayers-they're working, THANKS I wish I had all of your e-mail addresses so I can respond. Tina, in ICU, thanks for the note and helping me. Well, That's all for now. I hope everyone is well and happy and remember-don't sweat the small stuff. "Tubeless in Cape Coral", Rutt

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hi Everyone from Cape Coral, Florida. Well, I just took my first chemo pill and instantly, my hair fell out- oh, thats right, I didn't have any, never mind. So far so good with the radiation and chemo. No side effects, yet, we'll see. We go to Tampa this Wed to have the tubes "internalized" so that will help with mobility and comfort. More later, Rutt

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hi Everyboby, TGIF right. Just quick update- started radiation 2 days ago. Gave me a nice glow-just kidding. Starting chemo on Monday. Than Wed, going back to Tampa to have the tubes put back inside. Hi to all and thanks for the cards,e-mails,calls, and mostly the prayers. Love to all, Rutt

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hi Y'all from the south. I hope this update finds you well. Well, where do we begin. The last time we blogged, I mentioned we were going to keep the "outside tubes" because we could keep them clean better than internalizing them. BUT, We had to keep flushing them twice a day to keep them open. The docs also said that if I got a fever over 101, to head for the ER. So Tues night I hit 103 and we headed for the Ft Myers ER. Flushing the tubes can cause infection. The Ft Myers hospitals are swamped with snowbirds so we waited for ever and spent 2 nights before we got released so we could go back to Tampa where they know the "ins and outs of the tubes" ( how's that for a pun). We drove up to Tampa Thurs afternoon and spent the night for an early appointment to replace the old tubes then we went home same day. The good news is that the docs think plastic covered tubes can be used for internalizing both tubes. The success rate of the tubes staying clear after 1 year is 95 %. This means I can be more mobile, less pain, less chance of future infections, and a better quality of life. So, That's it for now. Thanks again to all of our friends-all of your cards, calls, e-mails, and most of all- your prayers. They mean SO much. God bless, The Rutts

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hi everybody. We hope this blog finds you happy and healthy. We went to Tampa to have the external tubes "internalized" but the docs decided to keep them on the outside for now. We got to Tampa every 4 to 6 weeks to have them changed. The thinking is that when we change them, maybe we can keep them open and draining better. We see the oncoligist on Tues but we don't expect much- The written info doesn't show much improvement for the discomfort chemo causes. If we can keep the drains open, the options look unlimited but if we internalize them, they could re-block causing a bigger problem later. Thats it for now. Thanks again for all of your support, prayers, cards,e-mails, and calls- it is always great to hear your voices. Bye for now, be safe and stay healthy. The Rutts

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Well, Here's the latest. We just got a call from the docs in Tampa and we are going this Friday to get the drainage tubes "internalized" so we don't have to mess with them anymore. We are meeting next Tues with the Oncologist to see what the options are for the future. Thanks again for all of the support through prayers, e-mails, cards and calls. Debbie has sent all of our records to the Mayo clinic in Jacksonville to see if they can help and we continue to look for options. Thanks again for the support as we keep praying for a miracle. The Rutts

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hi Y'all. I first want to thank everybody for all of the support through e-mails, cards, calls and prayers, it is truly overwhelming. Well, We went to Tampa yesterday for a consult with the Docs after the 4th and hopefully ,last biopsy. As we expected, they found some cancer cells in the ducts so now we can treat with chemo/radiation to try to shrink the blocking Klatskins tumor. The docs said there is very little cancer but it is slow growing,non-invasive but relentless cancer and may someday re block the ducts which we will have to deal with at that time. So, next week we will contact the oncologist here in Cape Coral to discuss the options. Surgery is not an option because it effects all the ducts. A transplant may be an option but not likely. My docs in Tampa called the docs in Houston at M D Anderson and they said they have no protocol for my situation so they would not be an option. So chemo, here we come, (for now). Again, Thanks for all of your support, prayers, etc. Your e-mails and calls are always welcome. Jim feels good ( 9 out of 10) and continues to exercise and enjoy the family. We wish you all a wonderful 2010 with health and happiness for you and your families. Sincerely, The Rutts

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year everyone !!! Thanks again to all of my friends and family-your kind comments are so appreciated. Yesterday 12/31, we went back to Tampa for another biopsy and then back to Cape Coral the same day. We should hear the results next week then back to Tampa for the consult and discuss options. We still have a moving target here. No cancer is showing up on the tests but the docs say this "Klatskins Tumor" in my liver ducts "usually" is so that's why they keep biopsying. After this last test, we will see what option I have here in Tampa or Jax,Fl or maybe even Houston. The docs say that since this effects ALL of my liver ducts, surgery is not an option- transplant? Maybe. We'll check with Jax, Fl to discuss. So, that's it for now. Thanks again for all of your prayers, thoughts and cards. I come to tears every time I open a card or re-read the earlier ones. We love and miss all our friends up North and hope to see and visit this summer. God has been gracious and we keep praying for his healing hand. Thanks again, and have a Happy New Year. The Rutts